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When the Cat takes over the Blog …

Purr-eetings to you my hooman friends, fans, and followers.

Thank you for your kind wishes and messages, Mama always passes them on to me. I especially liked this lovely comment from Elaine in the UK:

Please could you pass a message onto Seth and Fleur ……. I LOVE YOU BOTH xx

That’s lovely, but just a reminder – *I* am top cat round here, so make sure my name comes first!

Mama tells me it’s been over a year since I last put paws to keyboard, and guest posted here on her blog (you can read the last update, about my very naughty antics, here).

So I thought it was time for a cat-ch up.

Did you hear the mews? At the end of last year we moved into the new house. Wasn’t it nice of my hoomans to buy it just for me?! (They say they bought it because it had a lot of paw-tential. Whatever that means.)

First there was the thrill of moving – so many boxes to play with and chew!

For a while we didn’t have much furniture but I didn’t mind, camping chairs are surprisingly comfy.

And just quietly, I don’t even mind that the OTHER cat shifted with us. He lives on the cat patio because we hate each others’ guts. Mama says it’s because I bully him terribly and make him too scared to use the litter tray, but it’s not my fault if he’s a bit of a pussy …

No we are NOT friends

Now things are more settled, I still manage to have fun.

I like to swipe my paws through the balustrades, at unsuspecting hoomans as they walk up the stairs.

I have a new hidey-hole under a chair out on the deck.

And at this new house, the bins aren’t in a cupboard, so I’ve discovered the thrill of bin-diving and dragging empty packets of cat food through the house.

There are stairs which take poophoria to a whole new level – once I’ve done my business, I can tear through the whole house in about four seconds flat! All part of my purr-sonal routine, which also includes:

But she keeps moving me out of the way. I’m very purr-sistent, but in the end I find something else to do – like steal her pens.

The new couch behind mama is purrfect for a good wash followed by a catnap, and also for clawing – so I am not very popular at the moment.

In fact mama had to put a cover on it – but I’m such a smart kitty I realised the arms are still exposed at the front, great for a quick stretch and scratch!

I must be a hard act to follow, because papa keeps saying that when I’m gone, they will never get another cat …

It must be said, I’m a bit of a busybody, I have to know everything that is going on in this house because I’m a curious cat.

“Choo doing, mama?!”

When papa is texting;

When we get a new house plant;

When there’s discarded wrapping paper;

Sniffing shoes left in the entry by our visitors;

Trying to attack the needle and thread when mama is doing some mending;

And once or twice I have even managed to pussy-foot my way outside!

I often have to remind mama that I am much more cat-pivating than a boring book.

Now that the evenings are growing cooler, I like to sneak away to my bed even before it’s bedtime! It’s just so snuggly.

All in all, I think I’ve adapted quite well to my new digs, don’t you?!

Yours in the purr-suit of cuteness,

Miss Fleur x

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