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Why Blogging is Good for You!

Just in case you needed it: today I’m enabling your blog addiction providing a valuable community service, and sharing research that proves – blogging is good for you!
blogging is good for you

The Benefits of Reading

A year or two back, I stumbled across a UK study that demonstrated that losing yourself in a great read (like Middle Aged Mama, and many other great blogs) is the ultimate in relaxation. Researchers at the University of Sussex found that just six minutes of  blog reading can reduce your stress levels by more than two thirds.

Apparently, reading blogs calms frazzled nerves better and faster than other common stress-relievers, such as listening to music, going for a walk, or a cuppa.

Blogging is Good for You!

One of the things the hubster has noticed about my blogging habit, is that I often look through our photos to illustrate my posts. He has even commented that I’m lucky because I get to relive all our wonderful memories!

Turns out, he’s hit the nail on the head – he’s a smart one, that hubster of mine 😉 . And here’s the proof: according to an article in Women’s Health magazine (August 2014), looking at favourite photos of friends and family boosts mood by 11%.

This is pretty impressive when you compare it to chocolate, a glass of wine, or once again, listening to music – which all scored only 1%!

The facts are clear: it doesn’t matter whether you’re reading or writing, blogging is good for you!

Have I helped you to justify your blogging habit – and will you be telling your significant other next time he complains of being a blog widower?!




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