Site icon Middle Aged Mama

Why Middle Aged Mama?!

Middle Aged Mama - friends are the best therapy
It’s my hope that each time you visit Middle Aged Mama,
you will feel like you have spent time with a friend 🙂

On Friday I announced that I am re-branding this blog – but perhaps you are wondering, why Middle Aged Mama?

I Must Confess, for several months I’ve been dissatisfied with the blog name of “Redland City Living”. I just felt it was too confining and that it really limited my audience. After all, I didn’t want people in other cities, states and countries to miss out on my bloggy awesomeness! 😉

I had to think of a new name … but what?

Although I love to write about fashion and style, I knew that I wanted more scope so that I could continue to post about all sorts of things.

Miss 17 calls me “Mama” … then I got to thinking about the stage of life I find myself in, and how there are tons of mummy blogs by young women with tiny tots – but not so much for the (ahem) slightly older generation. And so it hit me: Middle Aged Mama!

Of course I ran the idea past a few trusted peeps and was greatly encouraged when they all gave it the thumbs up :-).

So, what is “Middle Aged”?

Good ol’ Wikipedia assures me that “Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age”- in other words, the prime of life – I like it! I wanted a blog name with a great upbeat feel.

So what exactly IS “middle aged”? I remember as a young ‘un thinking that it applied to anybody over 30 ;-).

Of course, if the average lifespan is said to be 70, then that places middle age around 35.

Most sources seemed to agree that folk in their forties and fifties are “middle aged”.

When I stumbled on this newspaper article which assured me that 47 is middle age – I took it as a sign, as I turned 47 just a couple of weeks ago! 😉

But when does Middle Age end?

But then I began to panic – when does middle age end? If it’s 50, I’ve only got 3 years left of blogging as a Middle Aged Mama, and then I’d need to re-brand again (not a process to be entered into lightly, I assure you!).

Wikipedia also referred to the Collins Dictionary, which states that middle age ends at 60; and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (1994), defined the upper limit as 65.

Great news indeed – because that means I can get at least another 18 years value out of this fancy new name of Middle Aged Mama!

Why “Mama”?

Middle Aged Mama has a lovely ring to it – better than Middle Aged Chick, of Middle Aged Madam, anyways!

But at the same time I don’t think it excludes women who may not have had a baby. Yo, we are all real cool groovy mamas at heart, y’know what I mean?!

So if you are between 30 and 65, regardless of whether you are married or single, have no children, small children or an empty nest, then this blog is for you. Actually, who cares, I’m happy to have you read it no matter what your age!

Special thanks to all those loyal readers who are following me from my previous incarnation at Redland City Living – and welcome to my new readers – I hope you enjoy the journey.

What do you think of as Middle Aged?

It’s Monday, so I am confessing with Kirsty from My Home Truths.

PS Delighted to be guest starring today over at Lifestyle Fifty with Jo in her regular feature, What Shall I Wear Today? What a great way to start the week! 😉

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