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Why This Crazy Cat Lady Has Gone to the Dogs!

Making litter tray duty fun

If you had to choose the animal which best represents your personality, what would it be?

Given that I’m a self-confessed crazy cat lady, you might be surprised to learn that what I think of as my “spirit animal” is not a cat.

It’s a dog.

Told ya this crazy cat lady has gone to the dogs!

And not just any dog.

I think a golden retriever sums up my personality pretty darn well 😉 . For starters, golden retrievers are known for being:

These were all characteristics I exhibited from a very early age.

My dad says I was a very happy baby, and family legend has it that when I was a toddler, I loved nothing better than to hang out at our front fence, where I could wave, greet and chat to anybody that happened to be passing by (just like a dog, LOL).

I even got stuck into a free sample pack of dog biscuits when it was dropped into our mailbox, telling my mother that they were “very nice biscuits” …

Retrievers can also be a bit goofy 😉 .

Once I got to school the resemblance to a golden retriever only strengthened (and not just because my hair was blonde).

According to one website, golden retrievers are “easy to train, quick to learn, and eager for praise and affection. They also tend to be patient and attentive, which makes training a joy”. Hmmm, that sounds a bit like my old report cards which usually bore comments from my teachers such as: “Janet is a good student. She is helpful, cooperative and a real pleasure to teach”!

Goldens are known for having an “even temperament”, and nearly always have a smile on their face … and I’ve often been told I am a very smiley person!

While retrievers enjoy time in the outdoors, socialising, and going for walks – they will also “happily enjoy a restful nap or few”! Sounds familiar …

As I’m getting older, the similarities seem to only be growing ….

Ask any owner of a golden retriever and they will tell you that they are notorious shedders – hair everywhere! That’s definitely true of me these days, I seem to lose a lot of hair every time I take a shower!

One downfall of the breed is that they are prone to ear infections (says she who for the last few days has had an ear the feels quite full, and is doing a lot “snap, crackle and popping” … if it gets any worse it’s off to the doctor for me!). Oh, and they are well known for loving their food, and not surprisingly, a tendency to portliness as they get older (rolling my eyes).

So yup, I’m gonna go with a golden retriever. Next time you spot one in your travels, I wonder if you’ll think of me! 😉

Which animal do you think best describes your personality?!

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