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A Wish Pearl Necklace

When I stumbled across something called a “Wish Pearl necklace” in a shop in Singapore earlier this year, I was so intrigued I brought one home.

If you too are wondering, what is a wish pearl necklace … well for starters it would make a great gift idea, as it’s much more than just a piece of jewellery, it’s a fun experience (just Google “wish pearl” and you can buy one online for around twenty bucks).

A wish pearl necklace comes in a kit: it includes a real oyster shell containing a pearl; the necklace; and a guide to the meanings of the different coloured pearls that you might find.

The idea is that the recipient makes a wish before opening the shell and removing the pearl (but I can’t remember what wish I made so can’t tell you if it works or not! Unless I wished for a better memory in which case it definitely didn’t work, LOL).

I took photos of each step of the process of creating my wish pearl necklace; the shell was quite tricky top open so the hubster had to do this for me!

Inside our Wish Pearl Necklace Kit


Inside we found a peach coloured pearl, meaning “health”. Miss 19 promptly absconded with it and the only time I’ve seen it since is when she wears it! I don’t know that it’s brought her health though, as she sliced a tendon in her left hand recently – maybe that’s because she nicked it 😉 ?!

Oh and she’ll probably kill me for sharing this photo as I don’t think she’s wearing any makeup – shock horror! 😉

Have you ever come across a wish pearl necklace before?!

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