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Conversations with My Cat

When you work from home like I do, days can go by where you don’t leave the house; you don’t see or even speak to any other human beings (besides immediate family members).

And so it seems perfectly normal to me, that I have conversations with my cat, Miss Fleur.

Here is how these little chats usually go …

Top 5 Conversations with My Cat

1. Well hello there Miss Fleur! And how is my little flower kitten today?! (After all, Fleur is French for flower!)

“Can’t talk Mummy. Sleeping. Zzzzzzz …”

2. Where is it? Where is it dahling?! (When she is chasing, a moth, a lizard, or a toy …)

“I’m not sure but I think it might be in this paper bag … “

3. You geddit! You geddit dahling! (see #2)

“Look mummy I did get it! I’m such a clever kitty!”

4. Cheeky chops! Would you like some cheeky chops? (Although Miss Fleur doesn’t like being picked up, she *does* love it when I grab her little face in my hands, and rub her chops both her cheeks 🙂 .

“Why yes, I *would* like the cheeky chops! Here’s my face – start rubbing!”

5. Are you hungry? Would you like some cat food/fresh fish/prawns?! (Funnily enough, the answer is always a very enthusiastic MIAOW – usually before she leads us over to her dinner tray!).

“Gimme gimme gimme! I *loves* the fresh fish!”

Now that I’ve confirmed for you once again, that I am indeed a crazy cat lady – what sort of things do YOU say regularly to your pet?!





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