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Introducing the Middle Aged Family

It occurred to me that although I often refer to them, I haven’t actually introduced you to the Middle Aged Family.

So without further ado …

The Middle Aged Papa (aka the Hubster)

How can I describe the man who means everything to me, in only a few words?!

He is smart and extremely clever with his hands … no hang on a sec, that came out wrong 😉 . He can make pretty much anything he puts his mind to – sheds, furniture, cat castles, tools – or modify them to make them better. I’ve shared previously about our laundry makeover, and walk in wardrobe ren0 – both his handiwork. He’s an awesome Mr Fixit – if he can’t fix it, it really is stuffed!

He has the most incredible people skills I have ever seen. He used to work in a role where he had to inspect building and other infringements; even when he had to tell somebody that they had to empty their brand new swimming pool, the day before Christmas, they still loved him! He is extremely well-respected and well-liked and would do anything for anyone; which at times can be a little frustrating for his wife (that’d be me!).

He dreams of the day we can buy a motorhome and head off to explore this great country of ours, just like we did back in 2001.

The Middle Aged Son (Mr 20)

Our firstborn was promoted to manager of the fast food store he works in, shortly before his 20th birthday. He mostly works evenings and weekends, which would bother many young people but as Mr 20 is an introvert and not into the pub and club scene, it doesn’t really affect him greatly. He prefers to socialise online rather than in person.

Due to his nocturnal habits, his pale skin, and the fact that his room is kept very dark, we joke that he is secretly a vampire. A very buff vampire it must be said; he worked out at the gym regularly but a recent rotator cuff injury means he is unable to at the moment. Or maybe he’s really Batman – his pride and joy is his black Nissan 350Z.

Mr 20 loves action and horror movies, and is a collector of memorabilia – in particular, limited edition cinemaquettes of the creatures which appear in these films eg Predator, Alien and Blade. I feel sorry for anybody that wanders into his room unawares; they’ll get the fright of their life!

The Middle Aged Daughter (Miss 18)

So you know she recently moved out of home. She has been my photographer, makeup artist and stylist here on the blog for so long I don’t know what I’m going to do without her to be quite honest! When we are out shopping she is frequently stopped by people commenting on her flawless makeup and asking where she had it done – um, nowhere. She does it herself. She loves makeup and would make a fantastic makeup artist but she insists it is just a hobby, fearing that turning it into a career will take the joy out of it.

Miss 18 has loved to cook since before she could walk; when the 5pm grizzles would hit I would plonk her in her high chair and give her a mixing bowl and wooden spoon to play with, while she happily watched me cook dinner. We are going to miss her whipping up gourmet treats now she has moved out! Miss 18 works fulltime as a barista at a chocolate and tapas cafe which suits her extroverted personality down to the ground.

The thing I find hilarious is that whenever I point the camera in her direction she goes all coy and insists she hates photos – yeah, this from the Queen of Selfies 😉 .

And of course, you’ve already met the Middle Aged Kitty

So tell me – did you learn anything new about the Middle Aged Family?!

Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.

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