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Australian Fashion Bloggers Over 40

fashion for middle aged women

I don’t really count myself as a fashion blogger.

Sure, sometimes I post here about trends I’ve noticed (eg Seeing Green:Palm Leaf Print, or How to Wear a Long Vest); my latest fashion splurge (Fashionomics Reports); or style problems I’ve encountered (eg What to Wear with Tan Knee High Boots).

But I mostly blog about other things, which is just as well as the title of “fashion blogger” doesn’t really sit well with me. Working from home, I can be a bit of a dag so I am not really stylish enough!

Where to Look for Fashion Inspiration

Once upon a time, I got my fashion fix from magazines – although usually I could only dream, as most of the clothes were way out of my budget.

These days I particularly enjoy the “What You are Wearing” pages in Yours magazine.

That’s because they share pics of real women, not skinny clothes horses. Usually they are over 40, and although some wear labels, there are plenty of chain store bargains as well.

I also love the way the captions tell the story behind the outfit – many times they include sentimental pieces, full of memories from a special trip, or whomever may have given the item to them.

However in this digital age, we don’t have to rely on magazines anymore – anybody can share their style with Australia, or the whole world!

On Instagram, I like following hashtags like: #everydaystyle, for plenty of fashion and style inspiration.

Australian Fashion Bloggers over 40

However, I also like to follow local bloggers for more great fashion from the real world. I prefer Aussie bloggers, as our seasons are opposite the more heavily populated northern hemisphere; and over 40’s, to see how other middle aged women are taking current trends and making them age appropriate.

So in alphabetical order, here are six Australian fashion bloggers over 40 worth following:

Iris May Style: From her home on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, Bev’s blog is firmly established as “the youthful girls guide to style”. Oh, and she loves pockets!

Kimba Likes: Sydney-based Kim-Marie (bottom right) is a self-confessed “in-betweenie” – her size is somewhere in between what fashion stores call “Large” but not quite into the plus-size territory (I know them feels!). She’s a redhead with a real retro style, and also the host of Wardrobe Wednesday, a weekly style link up party.

Lifestyle Fifty: The lovely Jo (top right) is blogging from Perth in Western Australia, for an audience that is “feisty, funky and most likely over fifty. But do you know what? We are so Not invisible!” Amen to that Jo!

Sista with Style: Katrina just whistles in to the “over 40” age group 😉 . She is a Brisbane school teacher sharing plus sized fashion, beauty tips, and the like – all with a good dose of positive body image and confidence.

Style and Shenanigans: No wonder Vannessa (bottom left) started a fashion blog – as the only female in a household of boys, it helps her to keep in touch with her feminine side! Vannessa blogs from her hometown of Melbourne.

Style Loving 2: Another Queenslander! Karen is a wife, mum and Glam-ma (love it!) sharing regular style updates on her blog.

Styling You: Brisbane-based Nikki is an inspiration to bloggers across Australia – living proof that it IS possible to turn your blog into a fulltime job, with income to match!

Reading through this list of Australian fashion bloggers over 40, it occurs to me that I have met every single one of them in person! How lucky am I?!

Do you have any blogs which you think should be added to this list?!

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