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Meet My Facebook Twins

Meet my Facebook twins

They say all of us have a twin somewhere in the world.

Back when I was at high school, the headmistress kept mixing me up with another girl called Lisa.

And people often used to remark on how much I looked like Meg Ryan. Though that’s changed, mostly because I’ve gained weight she’s had plastic surgery.

My Facebook Twins

Just lately however, thanks to Facebook, I’ve discovered I have not one, but TWO twins. Which would be triplets. But twins sounds cooler.

Whenever I upload a selfie, Facebook has been helpfully offering to tag the people in the photo. However, although it’s a picture of me, Facebook insists that it is actually Beck Berger.

It’s true, Bec and I have a fair bit in common. We both have children that are pretty much grown now, we both have a blog (hers is Crafty PJ Mum), and we both like cats.

This is Beck:

And this is me:

I’m not sure why Facebook thinks we look alike, maybe it’s the nose and the fact that we are both blonde bombshells 😉 .

It’s not the first time it’s happened though.

Last year, Facebook thought our own Jess Newman from Essentially Jess (and the IBOT hostess with the mostess), was my twin.

Again, I can see a few similarities … such as the pose, and the glasses.

This is Jess:

And this is me:

We are both besotted with our husbands (if you check out Jess’s Facebook timeline, you will see there are quite a few pics of her and Boatman looking all loved up – just like me and my hubster!); and we have both written a book – “Diary of a SAHM” (Jess), and “Clues to your Calling” (me).

Actually, come to think of it, I guess it’s not a bad thing that Facebook thinks we’re twins – Jess is about fifteen years younger than me, after all 😉 .

Does Facebook ever try to tag somebody else in your selfies, like it does with me?!

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